Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Desiring God Conference for Pastors

Who would drive north to spend a few days in Minneapolis during the first week of February? More than 2,000 pastors and church leaders, that's who! [Please refrain from mockery.]

Each February, we take a vehicle filled with a few elders, a deacon or two, and a couple of guests up to the Desiring God Conference for Pastors in Minneapolis. This year's conference is called "Commending Christ: The Pastor, the Church, and the Perishing." The theme is evangelism, and it looks like they've got a great lineup of speakers.

In the time that remains until the conference, I'll post one or two short videos each week, so that you can get a flavor for what we'll be hearing. I think the videos will be beneficial to you as well. Here is John Piper, the conference host, explaining why he chose the conference theme.

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