Thursday, December 10, 2009

Playing Church

Take a look at this video. It's funny, yes, and for all I know it may very well be "real" and not a spoof. However, we should not too quickly focus on it as an indictment of a more sacramental religion (though I believe it is). We should take the time to consider how we ourselves can all too easily turn the practices of our faith into routine performances-- taking out the supernatural dimension and reducing them to motions and gestures. It becomes all about doing things "the right way" and doing them more efficiently, effectively, and (sometimes) spectacularly than the person sitting next to me. Not to mention the misguided notion that we can "do church" without actually being with The Church, God's people.

But maybe they get one thing right: If you're going to play church, you should do it on your own time.

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