Friday, February 12, 2010

Proving Yourself

Tim Chester:
Many of us are confident we’ll be justified on the last day – acquitted before God through the death of Jesus. But what about justification today and tomorrow? Are you still trying to prove yourself?

Do you ever get angry or brood because you want to prove you’re in the right?

Does your Christian service feel like joyless duty?

Do you ever feel the pressure to perform?

Do you serve others so you can feel good about yourself or impress people?

Do you look down on others or exaggerate their failings?

Do you worry that you won’t make the grade in life?

Do you enjoy conversations about the shortcomings of others?

There are acts that look like good works, but in fact reflect a belief that I’m a better savior than Jesus. That’s why Jesus says: ‘The work of God is this: to believe in the one he has sent.’ (John 6:29) There’s only one thing God wants us to do: have faith in his Son. Everything else will flow from that.

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