Thursday, April 21, 2011

The Insomnia of Jesus

This is the night that Jesus stayed awake praying in the Garden of Gethsemane while his disciples couldn't keep their eyes open. Come to think of it, he had been sleeping in the bottom of the boat during a storm while they were scared stiff.

Russell Moore thinks this is why:

Danger doesn’t keep Jesus awake; the judgment of God does.

The disciples are just the opposite, and I fear I am too. They are worried about relatively meaningless things, things that need only to be given over to the attention to Jesus. But they are oblivious to the cross that overhangs the cursed world around them, and within them.

I lose sleep quite often over the things Jesus tells me I should not worry about: my life, my possessions, my future. Such is not of the Spirit. Why is it easier for me to worry about next week’s schedule, and to lose sleep over that, than over those around me who could be moments away from judgment? Why am I more concerned about the way my peers judge my actions than about the Judgment Seat of Christ?

I highly recommend you read the whole thing.

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