Friday, June 26, 2009


Tim Chester, from The Busy Christian's Guide to Busyness:
Our Christian lives can be full of good intentions to do more for God, but time and again those good intentions are sapped by the pace of our lives. Sermons, conferences, talks, books all urge us to spend more time praying, studying the Bible, sharing the gospel, building community, caring for the needy, campaigning for justice – and on it goes. But most Christians feel their lives are already over-full. Some Christians, because of ill-health or unemployment, struggle with the opposite problem. They wish they had more to do. But everywhere you look in the church today there are busy Christians… There are many challenges facing the church today. But alongside all of them is this problem of time and busyness. Whatever new ideas we come up with for church or mission, we need to find the time to do them! In his book, The Tyranny of Time, Robert Banks (1983) says: ‘Our attitude to time is not an extra commitment or idea. It is the medium in which everything else is done. It affects everything.’ There’s so much we want to do; so many issues; so many opportunities. But so little time. We could argue about what the most crucial concerns are facing Christians today. But unless we sort out a Christian view of busyness, we might not find time to debate them, let alone do anything.

That last sentence simply refers to the fact that we need to consider how we might wisely use our time and energy in course of our daily habits and routines. This is a matter of wisdom that does effect how well we are able to live in fellowship with God and serve him faithfully in the roles and responsibilities he has given us as neighbors, laborers, students, spouses, parents, children, etc. Do you need to do some taking care of busyness?

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