Friday, October 31, 2008

Free Song - "My Soul Finds Rest"

This past Sunday, we introduced a new song in our worship service, with lyrics based on Psalm 62. Later that same day, I received an email from a worship website that was offering a free download of the song. If you are building a music collection for your computer or MP3 player, here's a great addition.

"My Soul Finds Rest (Psalm 62)"

One thing that drew me to the song was this part that seems most appropriate these days:

Though riches come and riches go,
Don't set your heart upon them;
The fields of hope in which I sow
Are harvested in heaven.

[Note: We are singing the chorus all throughout the song in the way he sings it at the conclusion of this recording-- going up on the second syllable of "re-ward."]

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