Monday, November 03, 2008

A Jaw-Dropping, Faith-Building Offering

If you didn't make it to our Missions Festival of Praise evening service last night, then you missed an incredible faith-building moment.

The elders had set what we call a "prayer goal" of $36,000 for this offering. That's not the biggest goal we've ever had, but it's still very large for our church, and in the current economic climate, I think it's safe to say that everyone, including the elders themselves, considered it to be wishful thinking.

I was prepared to be thankful for much less. If you were there, you will remember that I said that if we were to get more than $36,000, it would have to be God that did it, and if it were to be less, then we would have to trust that God would make it just the right amount for the purpose he had in mind.

As Chester announced the result of the offering, my mouth was agape. $38,570! How do you explain that? Only God.

Some told me later that they expected half that amount to be received. I guess God had other plans. I'm chalking it up to "mustard-seed faith"-- though I think for everyone, it's bigger today than it was yesterday.

1 comment:

Brett and Cindy said...

Yep that was pretty amazing!!