Thursday, August 13, 2009

Bunch o' Links on Marriage

I could have pasted some great quotations from each of these in their own post, but time escapes me, and so I commend to you several articles I have read over the past couple of weeks, all related to marriage in one way or another.

A Girl's Guide to Marrying Well from
I had linked to the Guy's Guide some time ago, so this rounds out the collection.

Questions to Ask When Preparing for Marriage from
This will give you plenty to talk about.

The Case for Early Marriage from
This writer says that we've emphasized sexual abstinence so much that we've failed to acknowledge that 20-somethings weren't meant to be abstainers, they (most of them at least) were meant to be husbands and wives.

Every Older Single's Battle from
A companion to the piece above, the author being interviewed says that the church needs to renew its vision of celibacy, not as a special means of holiness (e.g., nuns), but as a positive calling (serving Christ and his kingdom), as opposed to mere abstinence, which is a negative stance (mere sin avoidance).

Is the Gay Marriage Debate Over? from
This excellent article talks about how radical individualism is the real culprit, and how this individualism has been accepted by evangelicals as much as any other Americans.

Polyamory: The Next Sexual Revolution? from
I guess those who said the acceptance of gay marriage would begin a slide down the slippery slope may have been on to something.

Sources (Link 1, link 6)

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