Thursday, August 12, 2010

The Glory of God

We've been working through our church mission statement in our sermons this month. We say:
Our Passion Is the Glory of God in Jesus Christ
Savored through Worship
Strengthened through Discipleship
Spread through Witness

If you'd like to learn more about the concept of the glory of God in the Bible, check out this chapter "Toward a Theology of the Glory of God" from a new book titled The Glory of God.

Here's a section that gets at the interesting, intersecting ways the word/idea of glory is used in Scripture.
It is important to notice that these multiple meanings are distinct but
related. We might think of it this way: the triune God who is glorious displays
his glory, largely through his creation, image-bearers, providence, and
redemptive acts. God’s people respond by glorifying him. God receives glory
and, through uniting his people to Christ, shares his glory with them—all to
his glory.

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