Sunday, November 21, 2010

Built with Wisdom from God

Other ancient civilizations had flood stories that still survive today, but they are much different than the biblical account.

Bruce Waltke:
The hero of the Babylonian account of the flood is Utnapishtim. It says he was given another name meaning something like “Super-genius.” The Bible says Noah was righteous and walked with God (Genesis 6:9; 7:1). But who was really smart? Utnapishtim built his boat as a giant cube, 180 feet in length, width and height, with a displacement of over 200,000 tons. It would have sunk to the bottom like a stone. Noah built something like a modern battleship, 450 feet long, 75 feet wide, 45 feet high, with a displacement of around 43,300 tons. The Bible never says Noah was a super-genius. But he did walk with God. And guess what? It worked out for him.

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