Tuesday, November 23, 2010

You Can Change #32 (Chapter 4)

We have come to chapter four of You Can Change, titled "When Do You Struggle?"

Our circumstances and situations have a significant effect on our lives. As Chester says at the end of the introduction to this chapter, "We are messed-up people living in a messed-up world."

There's a lot of truth in that statement. It recognizes the reality that there is a lot of wrong that is in me, and a lot of wrong that is coming at me. I am both responsible for sin and suffering, and I am the victim of sin and suffering-- occasionally both at the same time.

This can make it complicated as we try to understand our sin and try to grow in holiness. Without ignoring our responsibility for our actions and even our responses to the wrongs done to us, it is wise to think through the ways we are led into sin by our circumstances.

Rather than getting us off the hook ("It's those stupid people's fault that I'm angry!"), this should help us examine our hearts and pursue God's work in our lives.

When, how, or with whom are you most often tempted?
Are you putting yourself in situations where you are more likely to give in?

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