Sunday, July 31, 2011

At the Foot of the Cross

As you may have concluded from recent posts, I've been using Martin Luther and John Stott quite a bit in my study of Galatians. You probably know Martin Luther as one of the giants of the Reformation in the sixteenth century. John Stott was one of the giants of expository preaching in the twentieth century. I had already planned to post this quotation of his today, but on Wednesday he passed away at the age of 90.

John Stott:
Every time we look at the cross Christ seems to say to us, ‘I am here because of you. It is your sin I am bearing, your curse I am suffering, your debt I am paying, your death I am dying.’ Nothing in history or in the universe cuts us down to size like the cross. All of us have inflated views of ourselves, especially in self-righteousness, until we have visited a place called Calvary. It is there, at the foot of the cross, that we shrink to our true size.

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