Tuesday, July 12, 2011

"Jesus Is Lord"

A story of ministry in a Muslim area of South Asia:
The realities of persecution were on everyone's minds as we walked down to the river for the baptisms. One by one, our new brothers in Christ walked out into the water, where they were met by our translator. He asked them some basic questions to make sure they understood the Gospel. But then he also asked them if they were prepared to lose their livelihoods, their families -- even their very lives. Their response? "Jesus is Lord." And with that, they went down into the watery grave, only to be raised as new creatures in Jesus Christ. The week after we left, these brothers worshiped together for the first time. Lord willing, they represent the genesis of a new local church.

As we departed from the river, no one had dry eyes. How could we? One of the students asked me what I thought about the events of the morning. I told him we'd just witnessed the Book of Acts.

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