Saturday, July 16, 2011

How the Old Testament Points Us to Christ

In Galatians, we've seen Paul lean on the Old Testament quite a bit to make the case for justification through faith in Christ alone. Here's how Nancy Guthrie lists the variety of ways the OT can point us to Jesus Christ.

  1. A problem that only Christ can solve (the curse, our inability to keep the law, our alienation from God)
  2. A promise only Christ can fulfill (blessing, presence of God with us)
  3. A need that only Christ can meet (salvation from judgment, life beyond death)
  4. A pattern or theme that only comes to resolution in Christ (kingdom, rest)
  5. A story that only comes to its conclusion through Christ (the people of God, creation/fall/redemption/consummation)
  6. A person who prefigures an aspect of who Christ will be or what he will do by analogy and/or contrast (Joseph, Moses, David)
  7. An event or symbol that pictures an aspect of who Christ will be or what he will do (ark, exodus, sacrifices)
  8. A revelation of the pre-incarnate Christ (wrestling with Jacob, commander of the Lord’s army)

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