Friday, February 06, 2009

Going to Be with the Church

Here's a great thought from Jonathan Dodson, a church planting pastor in Austin, Texas:
In trying to communicate the church as community to my two-year-old son, I have changed the way I talk about church. Instead of telling him that we are “going to church,” I tell him that we are going to be with the church, to sing and eat with them. Once Christians repent of reducing church to buildings and programs and begin to cherish the people God has given them to live with, warts and all, community will increase.

Try changing your phraseology with your family this weekend. I'm going to try it out myself.


Brett and Cindy said...

Bruce, I didn't get a chance to talk with you last week and I won't be there tomorrow because I have caught a cold, but I wanted to comment on your sermon.
The passage you shared from is one of my very favorite sections of scripture. I must say that I have been looking forward to you preaching on the beatitudes since we started the series in Matthew. You didn't let me down. Your sermon last week was the best I have heard from you. I am impressed at your take on this portion of scripture and you gave me some new things to take away and think about. I left church more refreshed than I have been in a long time.
By the way, I liked having a drummer. I will miss you all at church tomorrow.
Thanks for taking the time to study and teach. God Bless,

Bruce said...


Tnank you so much for your kind words of encouragement. I sensed that that sermon was helpful for several people, and I am thankful for the Word of God that is so rich. I pray to be better at spreading the riches more fully and consistently!

I hope you kick that cold soon.
