Thursday, February 05, 2009

Pastors' Conference Audio

I'm sorry for the long hiatus here, but I was without real internet access while in Minneapolis for the Desiring God Conference for Pastors. We had a great time there, and I not only enjoyed the event with our men, but also spent time with one of my brothers and a cousin as well as a former EFCMM church member and his wife, bumped into a roommate from seminary days and a professor I had in seminary, chatted with two pastors that have spoken in our church within the past year, and was newly introduced to a pastor from our area in northern Illinois.
The conference was titled Commending Christ: The Pastor, the Church, and the Perishing. If you'd like to hear some great messages that include both scriptural teaching and inspiring stories of personal evangelism, you can go here to read, listen, watch, or download each of the sessions for free. While Mark Dever, pictured above, was the main speaker, each of the men who spoke gave excellent, thought-provoking, and challenging addresses. Though they are geared for pastors, I believe just about anyone could benefit from these messages.

[So, if all this is available on the web, why go to the conference? I explained that in a previous post.]

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