Monday, February 23, 2009

The Purity Principle

We're planning an event for men on the topic of sexual purity for Saturday, March 28. Here is another helpful resource on this topic.

Randy Alcorn's brief book called The Purity Principle: God's Safeguards for Life's Dangerous Trails is a good read on this topic. At only 94 pages, it packs plenty of biblical wisdom in a small package. It's been five years or so since I've read it, but I would commend it to you without reservation. Here's an excerpt:
"But we really love each other" has no bearing on the ethics of sexual intimacy. Sex does not become permissible through subjective feelings, but only through the objective, lifelong commitment of marriage. Those are God's rules.
There's nothing we can do to change them. The rules are always enforced. When we break them they always break us.

A smart traveler doesn't curse guardrails. He doesn't whine, "That guardrail dented my fender!" He looks over the cliff, sees demolished autos, and thanks God for guardrails.

God's guardrails are his moral laws. They are there not to punish or deprive us but to protect us. God doesn't forbid us fleeting pleasures out of malice. Rather, he calls us to higher and lasting pleasures out of love. His warnings stand between us and destruction.
Andy Naselli recently compiled several links to resources connected to this book here.

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