Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Recognizing Grace

An excerpt from a Christianity Today interview with Eugene Peterson--
CT: As a pastor, then, you see grace in some unlikely situations.

EP: Yes, and my job is not to solve people's problems or make them happy, but to help them to see the grace that is operating in their lives. It's hard to do, because our whole culture is going the other direction, saying that if you're smart enough and get the right kind of help, you can solve all your problems. . . . The work of spirituality is to recognize where we are -- the particular circumstances of our lives -- to recognize grace and say, "Do you suppose God wants to be with me in a way that does not involve changing my spouse or getting rid of my spouse or my kids, but in changing me, and doing something in my life that maybe I could never experience without this pain and this suffering?"
Source; originally in Christianity Today, 3 April 1987, pages 25-26.

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